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- Wanted to drop a com [2016/05/12 (木) 10:13]
Wanted to drop a comment and let you know your Feed is not working today. I tried adding it to my Google reader account and got absolutely nothing.
- I did consider that! [2016/05/10 (火) 10:37]
I did consider that! But while I am joyfully swilling the Brompton Kool-Aid, I still don’t quite get the Broooks cult. Especially in a place that rains nine months straight.
- That second body pop [2016/05/10 (火) 07:43]
That second body popper looks a little infected, maybe you should wear gloves, so it doesn’t lead to a bad infection….take care rodger…dws
- Hi Michael. I’ [2016/05/09 (月) 08:22]
Hi Michael. I’m great mate. How are you doing? I’m not using a computer so I’m not sure in what order you placed your players. It looks like 4-2-2-2,am I right?Reply
- That's a subtle way [2016/05/08 (日) 12:16]
That's a subtle way of thinking about it.
- Wow! Great thinking! [2016/05/07 (土) 04:52]
Wow! Great thinking! JK
- I am really liking t [2016/05/05 (木) 04:31]
I am really liking this website accept I am having issues with having the RSS feed to work in the new Google Chrome. Any suggestions? Thanks! 0 likes
- Cake looks good! Goo [2016/05/04 (水) 22:39]
Cake looks good! Good job with the race too! I am glad you found the motivation to keep going even with the rain At least it wasn’t hot while running though right?
- Bukan sahaja saya fr [2016/05/02 (月) 01:03]
Bukan sahaja saya frat lelaki, tetapi saya berada di premed. Jangan sekali-kali percaya doktor!Larry Nevenhoven baru-baru ini disiarkan..
- Heh, your post has c [2016/05/01 (日) 05:24]
Heh, your post has certainly struck a chord with climate change deniers, BCL.A clear indication that you're on the right path, and that they feel exposed...
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